If you have a question and it isn’t here ask away.
I understand if time or “life” limits your availability for the upcoming workshops.
I decide on workshops as they present themselves and limit myself to the number of workshops each year.
Please check back or register to get information as workshops present themselves.
Any workshops organized and structured “directly” from me will require at least a deposit to secure a spot.
Workshops that are structured less then 45 days before the workshop will require full payment.
When workshops are organized and structured directly through another venue, it is left to the organization whether a deposit or full payment is needed to guarantee your spot.
Contact the venue for details.
No and it will never happen.
Because how-to books focus on style and stylistic solutions which has very little to do with great and unique paintings.
Fill out the info here and you will get information as it develops.
While some things may be difficult to understand for a new painter my workshops focus on the easel side critiques. In that situation we can explore your strengths, weaknesses, and goals. From there we can work on a plan to help you improve as a painter.
Email me here….
Much of what I teach is seeing in terms of paint and color. Many of those ideas applies to all mediums.
*note: All demos will be in oil.
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